Hebrews 13:5 says " Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you." That is the Word God gave me today because frankly I was beginning to wonder. In finishing my day 1 week 2 homework in A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place, God shouted these words to me. I am weak, worn and weary right now. However I take responsibility for part of that because I have not been feasting on His Word like I need to.
The last 2 paragraphs of my homework were saying: How fitting that the same Light that gave security and clarity to the Hebrew people shed calamity and confusion on their enemy. Our God reserves the right to reveal Himself majestically and
victoriously only to those who have allowed Him to remove the veil from their eyes. Those who refuse to see are
hopelessly blinded to God's awesome and apparent activity.
What enemy are you battling today ? First, invite God to come between you and your enemy. Second, invite Him to open "the eyes of your heart" so that you will recognize Him at work (
Eph 11:18). Third, count on Jesus; He never fails. -Beth Moore
Thank you Beth for being obedient and speaking God's heart. My prayer is that I will allow God to remove the veil from my eyes. I want to do the work of the LORD not the work of the enemy. God knows what enemy I am battling today and he knows the plans of that enemy. Frankly the battle is wearing me down and I don't know which way to turn right now. I am being still but the enemy is carrying off the King's riches, or so it seems. I'll wait upon the LORD because I do not want to be out of His will but it ain't easy waiting !