Thursday, September 6, 2007

Snow Day in September !

That's right I said snow day ! We are normally scheduled to have homeschool co-op on Thursdays but today it is cancelled ! Yay ! Oh I mean booooooo !
We had a sweet lady in our church to go home to meet the LORD and we are having a meal for her family today at the church after the graveside services so we had to cancel co-op. I must say I have heard from several of the co-op members who have been very gracious and express sympathy for the family and thanks to the church for being able to use the facilities.
I know that this sweet ladies death is sad for the family but she was ready to meet her LORD. She faced surgery knowing that she had a 50/50 chance and she said "If I make it and the surgery is a success then great. If I don't then I am ready to go to my home in heaven." So God said "Come on home my child, come on home"
As for co-op, I think several of the Mom's (including myself) and a Dad or 2 were glad for the break. I called a few of them myself and they said they could use a day off. I must say, so can I. I mean I have to get my clothes that I am taking to the Deeper Still conference out and ready so if anything needs washed then my beloved husband can get it washed ! Yes I am spoiled!
I have to run some last minute errands and get my van emptied out of any "valuables" because my fave Greek Girl Georgia has offered to take the van and have it detailed for the trip! Thanks girl, you rock!
Well I will hush for now but I must say "Less that 24 hours until we hit the road for NashVegas for Deeper Still !!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for September snow!!!
I am truly sorry about the death, but I NEEDED the break.
I hope you and Holli & Patti & The Greek have a great time with the chiken on the way. Be blessed & may you not drive any faster than your guardian angel can.